Here's what we'll do:
Change your oil and oil filter ( up to 5 quarts of SYNTHETIC BLEND MOTOR OIL ) lubricate chassis where applicable.Check and top off all your fluids, Check and air your tires to the manufactures specifications.Inspect the condition of your Air filter, Belts, Hoses, Exterior Lights, Wipers, and RAINX your windshield.Perform a brake inspection & advise of any needed items. Tax's and shop supplies are additional.Most cars.
Take advantage of our premium engine protection service with Full Synthetics
There’s no doubt that synthetic oil is better than conventional motor oil. Since synthetic oil is made with smaller molecules and less impurities it’s just a plain better lubricant. It’s especially better for today’s modern engines that have tighter tolerances and smaller oil passages that need a super lubricant. Car manufacturers are requiring that synthetic oil be used more and more. Most new vehicles are at least required to use a synthetic blend. If you plan on keeping your vehicle for a long time, using Full synthetic oil is a good idea.
Here's what we'll do:
Change your oil and oil filter ( up to 5 quarts of Full Synthetic oil ) lubricate chassis where applicable.Check and top off all your fluids, Check and air your tires to the manufactures specifications.Inspect the condition of your Air filter, Belts, Hoses, Exterior Lights, Wipers. Perform a brake inspection and RAINX your windshield. Advise of any needed items. Tax's and shop supplies are additional. Most cars